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About Us


To sell personally selected, proven quality items that will survive the southern swamps, briars, canebreaks, cutdowns, and thickets that make up the home of the birds and animals that we pursue. Proven quality upland apparel and gear. Some are name brand, some are from small businesses around America, and some are sourced  from around the world. All are manufactured to a high standard of quality.  As we grow, our selection of products will continue to grow, but our commitment to quality and value will remain.


Our mission is to celebrate our outdoor and hunting traditions and heritage with others and strive to increase the number of wingshooters in America. Our birdhunter numbers are declining, and we need to all work together to increase the number of new hunters and reactivate past hunters.  We are so fortunate in America to have such fantastic public access to hunting and fishing opportunities. Those of us who already share this passion for upland hunting and wing shooting need to unite in efforts to pass it on to new generations of hunters.


My wife, Melody, and I are from small town SC. We dated in college and married while I was in dental school. Melody worked and supported us through 7 ½ years of dental and periodontal specialty school. After graduation, she became my office manager and ran my periodontal practice with me for 34 years until a terrible accident injured my arm, and I had to retire from dentistry. 

I have always hunted and trained bird dogs. I have learned a great deal about hunting gear and hunting apparel over that time. What works and what doesn’t work, especially in the southeastern United States.

My crack team of bird hunting apparel researchers (Melody and I) have worked diligently to find quality items that are also of good value.  Please review our website. We are starting small but we will grow.  Growing pains are as you all know, well, painful. But we will always do our best to offer you great quality apparel and gear at a good value.  And stay tuned,  good things are coming Spring 2024!

Many ThankS

  • God – My faith has been rocked on many occasions, but I keep in mind that God has a plan for me.  I just need to trust and get to work, follow his direction to my heart, and all will work out fine.
  • My Daughter – The best birthday present ever!  What a great privilege it is to be your father.  A hunter, fisherman, veterinarian, beautiful young lady, and an exceptional person.  One of the few people in the world that can stand up to me, and did even when she was a child.  I am so proud of you!
  • My Wife – You know what you mean to me. Enough said.
  • My Dad and Granddad – Great examples of lives well lived.  My Granddad passed away many years ago, but my Dad is 86 and still hunts and fishes with me and works on the farm with me most weekends.  Thank you both for showing me how to be a good Christian, husband, father and man.
  • Micah and Thomas – Micah, my youngest brother, and his son Thomas, my nephew.  They are a great joy to hunt and fish with and they are a huge help on the farm and with MR BOBBY WHITE.  Thank you guys!
  • One Other – There is another who should be mentioned: my immediate younger brother KY.  He was my best friend as well as my brother.  For years we both shared this dream of MR BOBBY WHITE.  He passed away unexpectedly in June 2023 at 60 years old.  I miss you Bubby!